Eat more plants!

Enroll in this free course to learn how to get started with your own Square Foot Garden! This versatile gardening method can be applied in your backyard, on a rooftop, in urban as well as rural areas, or in a community garden setting.

Save time, resources, and space, and increase your yield compared to standard row gardening. You can grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers using raised garden beds, Mel's soil mix, a 1' x 1' grid, and a little help from the Square Foot Gardening Foundation.

Grow your own plant-based food to contribute to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle!

The Square Foot Gardening Method

Learn how to get started today with the efficient and effective SFG Method.

Grow Your Own Plant Based Food

Increase your fruit and veggie intake, eat locally, and grow your favorite foods at home!

Get Growing Today

Learn how to get started with a community garden and organizing a gardening workshop.

Grow Your Own Fruits & Veggies Curriculum

Enroll for FREE today!

Beautiful Gardens!

Learn the basics of Square Foot Gardening and create your own garden masterpiece!

Here are four raised 4' x 4' beds.

Garden photo credit: Andrea Cornell